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Total Knee ossur

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Ossure was established in 1971 as one of the most important manufacturers of advanced orthopedic equipment. The company grew rapidly after the transfer of its shares to investors and today is known as the leading company in this field. Has turned. Improving the quality of life and reducing the limitations of amputation are among the most important missions of Ossure . The company has been able to achieve its goals by using a global network of therapists and design engineers.

One of the most important products of this company is knee joints, which is produced with the latest technology in the world. The Ossure joint series is designed for people with amputations above the knee and with different levels of activity and weights. Total knee joints are among the best osser joints. These joints have design features that allow the person to walk in the best possible way. [Sale of American Auxiliary Knee Joint Total Knee Ossure Knee Joint [/ caption]
In the following, we will examine some important features of these joints. Total Knee is a hydraulic, multi-center knee joint. This advanced joint provides very high stability, control and durability for people with high levels of activity. Total Knee joints are available in three categories 1900, 2000 and 2100. Each model is used according to the level of activity and other characteristics of the person. Total Knee 1900 is for people with a multi-axis knee joint that uses an elastic polymer to create friction. This prosthetic joint is used for people with moderate activity level and for performing daily activities.
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