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Low back pain is one of the most common problems in people who go to medical or non-medical centers! The problem is back pain. Our spine is made up of different parts that we call all these parts of the waist. Low back pain is caused by a variety of reasons. Overweight and lack of mobility are the two main reasons for the unprecedented increase in this complication in the general public. Lifestyle changes that peaked during the Corona pandemic have led to less mobility and increased adolescent weight gain due to inactivity and overeating. But what is the solution? Lifestyle change is something that has happened in our lives over the years. Therefore, obesity can not be considered a matter of one or two days. So the main but long-term solution is to lose weight and change your lifestyle. But what to do in the short term with back pain that has taken away our comfort? Many patients contact us daily and come to our medical centers. The main complaint of these people is: I can not sleep at night because of back pain, because of back pain, I have lost pain during the day while walking or sitting ... After the onset of severe back pain, I have been unable to do my personal work. Or we hear in many people that my back pain has gotten worse than before, I'm afraid I will need help with daily chores after this. The point is, these are not just problems for people over 65! Every day, a large number of young people go to medical centers complaining of back pain. We offer you a simple solution; use a medical belt to help your spine Probably the first question that comes to your mind is which medical belt? It is interesting to know that the belt will never get you used to it if it is really medical. In the past, there were belts on the market that disappointed people because of their unprincipled design. But pulley belts are the end of this frustration. These belts do not cause muscle weakness in any way due to their special surface and ergonomics. In the following, we will examine the characteristics of pulley belts.
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