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Spinomod pulley belt

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Spinomod pulley belt is a new initiative to use biofeedback system to increase the strength of spinal muscles. After fastening this belt, the person constantly keeps the shoulders up and back, and thus the muscles are formed in the correct direction. The shoulder and back muscles of the scapula are strengthened with this belt and prevent hump. Another function of the spin-belt pulley is to redirect additional forces. After squatting, the vertebrae of the spine, especially the neck and back, are put under extreme pressure. These extra spaces cause the cervical disc to protrude, especially the lumbar disc, leaving long-term complications. Spinomed pulley belt prevents this long-term complication. This belt helps to correct the posture of the person to create the right direction of the muscles and thus prevents further complications such as low back pain in young and middle age.
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