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advanced body jacket pully system

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What is an advanced body jacket spool belt and in what cases is it used?
When a person has any low back pain, the doctor will look for the causes of the pain symptoms.
One of the most important treatments for low back pain, regardless of the cause of low back pain, is to limit movement. Reducing the movement of the vertebrae during daily activities prevents the possibility of increased injury. In addition to reducing movement limitation in people with disc protrusion, the spool medical belt can also reduce the pressure on the vertebrae of the spine and eliminate the symptoms of pain caused by disc protrusion in general. In some cases, low back pain is caused by a fracture of the back bones. In these people, the pulley medical belt accelerates the process of bone healing and healing of vertebral fractures by restricting the movement of the vertebrae.
Among the advanced medical belt pulleys, the body jacket model creates the most movement restriction for the patient. The inflatable medical spool belt prevents the patient from bending forward or leaning to the sides by restricting movement in all directions. The Advanced Body Jacket Pulley is a type of TLSO Brace that provides the most support to the spine, thus providing the fastest healing time with the highest therapeutic effect.
This advanced pulley belt is now available in Cyber ​​Medical. Advanced air jacket spool belt, light volume and proven performance and approved by specialized doctors and is offered in different sizes.
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