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ترجمه نوشتار

نوشتار مبدأ

1136 / 5000

نتایج ترجمه

Amputation is an experience that changes a person's life before and after. Before an accident or an illness, a person lived in a completely normal world, but after that, everything changed at once. When we look closely, it all depends on how we walk, personal independence is what we want to walk. Amputation is not an easy experience, but if we know that the world of advanced prosthetic equipment has expanded so much that walking after amputation is not only impossible, but also possible with the same quality as a normal foot. In this regard, many companies are trying to produce modern and efficient equipment with the same quality as real human organs. One of these companies is the American company Ossur, which operates under the slogan of living without restrictions. The company is one of the leaders in the field of advanced prosthetic equipment (artificial limbs) and has made walking easier by introducing various advanced products such as artificial joints, liners and advanced carbon claws.Ossur offers a variety of joints for lower limb prostheses. One of the connections is the Tutankhamun 2000 connection, which has a hydraulic pump to smooth the movement of the person while walking. In the following, we will get acquainted with other features of Ossur products ...

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